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Join EarthCorps, the Green Seattle Partnership and local stewardship groups at Longfellow Creek! Longfellow creek is the second largest Salmon bearing creek in Seattle (Thornton Creek being the largest).  Every year, salmon return to the creek but few make it all the way to spawning due to threatened habitat. This where we need your help! We are working to restore the habitat along the creek as well as in adjacent greenspaces to improve water quality and provide habitat. We would love to teach you more, so join us!

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Join EarthCorps and the City of Mercer Island as we assist this dedicated community in working in this one-of-a-kind park on Mercer Island. Ellis Pond is the only year round pond habitat on Mercer Island and many bird and animal species call this pond home. The local neighbors have been stewards of the pond for many years and could use your help!

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Trains Moved Over 140,000 Barrels of Oil Daily Through Washington this Winter


New Department of Ecology report details crude-by-rail movement for the first quarter of 2017.

The Northwest public recently saw the second publication of quarterly oil train data for Washington. Although much about the industry is still not widely known, the Department of Ecology reports add considerably to our understanding of oil-by-rail in the region.

University of Washington Program on the Environment Spring 2017 Senior Capstone Symposium

The Program on the Environment will host our Spring 2017 Capstone Symposium on May 24 at Alder Hall Auditorium. We welcome all to attend and support students as they present on the culmination of three quarters of hard work.

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Solutions to NW Carbon Pollution?

If Sightline could only do one thing for a sustainable Northwest, we’d put a price on carbon pollution—on the emissions of climate-changing greenhouse gases. Doing so would speed the entire regional economy through the transition from coal, oil, and other dirty fossil fuels to clean, efficient, renewable energy. It would also help stem or reverse sprawl, breathe life into alternatives to the automobile, clean the air and water, and keep local dollars circulating locally.

SAGE Hippie Hangout 2017

Come celebrate with S.A.G.E. and friends for: the end of the school year, the start of summertime (praise those sun rays!), and of course, our amazing friends & colleagues who are completing their capstone projects! 

We will be firing up the grill, lawn games, and good tunes in the Fisheries Building lawn (just a hop, skip, and jump away from Wallace Hall) starting right after the PoE Capstone Symposium. 

As always, everyone is welcome! Bring your friends, kids, fav. Professors, etc.!

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Mercer Island Energy Farm

MERCER ISLAND, Wash.– A first of it’s kind program from Puget Sound Energy will connect local cities, agencies and companies with renewable energy. Mercer Island is one of four cities that’s helping to fund construction of a wind farm.

“We’re pleased to be a leader in this, it’s something that our citizens we know care about and that we as elected officials care about, too,” says Mayor Bruce Bassett.

Trump Rolls Back EPA Regulation

Apparently, our "president" did it again! Tuesday morning Trump signed a moratorium on rolling back President Obama restrictions for coal mining on federal lands. 

According to the Washington Post, “This is an important moment for EPA,” chief of staff Ryan Jackson wrote. “As the Administrator has mentioned many times, we do not have to choose between environmental protection and economic development.”

SAGE Green Coalition

Hi SAGE Fam! Welcome back! This event here is a great opportunity to get involved or further involved with green clubs on campus! Whether you've been one of our SAGE die-hards, or if SAGE hasn't been your thing yet - I encourage you all to check out EcoReps and the Green Husky Coalition!

I'll be there tomorrow night and look forward to seeing some of you as well! Keep an eye out for an email from SAGE UW tonight as well! It has major updates on our meeting schedule, Spring Retreat, and Spring Party!

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