Trump Bill

Apparently, our "president" did it again! Tuesday morning Trump signed a moratorium on rolling back President Obama restrictions for coal mining on federal lands. 

According to the Washington Post, “This is an important moment for EPA,” chief of staff Ryan Jackson wrote. “As the Administrator has mentioned many times, we do not have to choose between environmental protection and economic development.”

In recent weeks, Trump has vowed to slash EPA funding, which could result in deficiencies in many environmental protect programs, not only nationally, but also statewide.

Based on reports from Washington Post, "At the EPA, scientists are encountering renewed skepticism of their work, many employees have seen their offices slated for elimination altogether, and regulators are facing the prospect of dismantling environmental rules many of them spent years creating."

In addition, Trump’s visit to the headquarters Tuesday was met with frustration, resignation and varying levels of angst.

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