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Join EarthCorps' volunteer stewards and the Port of Seattle as we work along the Duwamish River! This property was once a narrow driveway and parking lot until it was reconstructed in 1995 to be a new public space. Now it has public access, picnic tables, a hand boat launch, and a small natural area! Environmental stewardship activities began in 2000 and EarthCorps is working with the Port of Seattle to continue removing additional&nbs

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In Puget Sound’s Seagrass Habitats, Ocean Acidification Threatens Dungeness Crabs

In a study this last April by Pacella et al., the authors projected the rise of carbon dioxide (CO2) in seagrass environments is about twice the projected rate of change in the open ocean. This indicates that these habitats and estuaries in general may be especially sensitive to ocean acidification. But what is ocean acidification?

Where are our Drugs Going? The Struggle of Puget Sound Salmon

While our city, county, and state governments are trying to curb the abuse of prescription drugs and the illicit drug markets, environmentalists are waging a different war.

Painkillers, antidepressants, high-blood pressure, and countless of other types of medications are continually being prescribed and used throughout the country. While many of these medications are legally prescribed, they are also often disposed in an improper manner by the general public.

Holidoo, the all-natural gift that keeps on giving

Zoo offers seasonal blend of poop-ular Zoo Doo compost during the holidays!

WHAT: This year, the Grinch is heading to Pooville to steal his very own batch of holidoo. The seasonally blended compost was specially crafted by Woodland Park Zoo’s own Dr. Doo, aka the “Princess of Poo,” the “GM of BM” or the “Grand Poopah.” Holidoo consists of compost and bedding, featuring a rich blend of species feces contributed by the zoo’s non-primate herbivores such as hippos, giraffes, mountain goats, tapirs and more.

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Trump Dramatically Reduces Two Utah National Monuments

A year ago this month, former President Obama had created Bears Ears National Monument. During the Clinton administration, the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument was created. Today, in a complete reversal of preservation, President Trump has ordered one of the largest annulments of national monument protections in U.S. history.

Career Opportunity: Seattle Public Utilities

Hello colleague –

As an Alum of PoE, I did my Capstone w/SPU in 2001, and have been here since. The last time they had this many opening was in 2001, when I got hired. Let me know how I can help.

Seattle Public Utilities is hiring three Resource Conservation Program Managers and we would appreciate your help in spreading the word. If you have job posting boards or other ways of spreading the word through your networks, we would appreciate you doing so.

Our Sound, Our Salmon's Flotilla

Grab your kayaks and canoes. Reserve your spot on the ferry. The Our Sound, Our Salmon campaign is hosting its first ever event on September 16th in the Rich Passage.

We care about stopping the expansion of Atlantic salmon fish farms in a big way, so we decided our first event should be just as big. Our Sound, Our Salmon's Flotilla will be a protest, but no ordinary protest.

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Washington’s Attorney General’s Office Seeks Supreme Court Review of Fish Culvert Decision

On August 17, Washington Attorney General’s Office filed a petition seeking the U.S. Supreme Court to review a fish culvert decision by the lower Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. This stems from a 2013 decision by the District Court for the Western District of Washington that ruled in favor of the federal government and Washington tribes, in that Washington State was ordered to replace hundreds of culverts under state highways, at an estimated cost of billions of dollars, by 2030.

EarthCorps Restoration - LONGFELLOW CREEK: WEST SEATTLE July 15, 2017


Join EarthCorps, the Green Seattle Partnership and local stewardship groups at Longfellow Creek! Longfellow creek is the second largest Salmon bearing creek in Seattle (Thornton Creek being the largest).  Every year, salmon return to the creek but few make it all the way to spawning due to threatened habitat. This where we need your help! We are working to restore the habitat along the creek as well as in adjacent greenspaces to improve water quality and provide habitat. We would love to teach you more, so join us!

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