Save salmon

Grab your kayaks and canoes. Reserve your spot on the ferry. The Our Sound, Our Salmon campaign is hosting its first ever event on September 16th in the Rich Passage.

We care about stopping the expansion of Atlantic salmon fish farms in a big way, so we decided our first event should be just as big. Our Sound, Our Salmon's Flotilla will be a protest, but no ordinary protest.

We'll be gathering as many kayaks, canoes, boats, people, and signs as we can carry and hauling them out into the strait between the south end of Bainbridge Island and the Kitsap Peninsula, near two currently operating Atlantic salmon net pens. We're going to be loud, and we're going to stand up for the future of our sound and our salmon here in Washington State.

You may be wondering...

Where, exactly, is the event?

The Rich Passage is a strait of water in between Bainbridge Island and the Kitsap Peninsula. The event will held between Fort Ward Park and Manchester State Park. A more precise location and meeting place is forthcoming.

How do I get my kayak/canoe/boat to the Rich Passage?

There are several easy ways to launch your boat into the Rich Passage. Bainbridge Island is a short, 35-minute ferry ride from downtown Seattle. From there, you can drive to Ford Ward Park or Lytle Beach to park and launch.

Alternatively, you can drive to the Manchester area of the Kitsap Peninsula. There are plenty of parking spaces and opportunities for launch at Manchester State Park and the surrounding area.

What time is the event?

Boats will be on the water at 2 PM, off the water at 4PM.

Is there a post-float event?

Yep. But the location is to-be-determined. Stay tuned for more details. More than likely, there will be food, beverages, and prizes.

What is an Atlantic salmon net pen, and why should I protest it?

Ah, the most important question of all. A net pen is a fish farm, or a 'concentrated floating feedlot', and they're a bad, bad deal. We made a couple handy visuals to help you out:

We'll be keeping in touch with some of the more specific details.
In the meantime, if you have any more questions at all, we want to hear them!

email us at:

or call us at:


See you at the Flotilla!

Event date